Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A Final Very Open Letter to the TBS Executives in Charge of Renewing King of the Nerds

Okay, TBS, I’m really hoping that this third time is the charm with you. At this point in time, in this struggle that the Nerd Army faces, this great battle to ensure that you renew King of the Nerds… Despite the fading morale of some, my optimism is unending and I refuse to go gently into that good night. I will not give up. I will never surrender. I’m pulling out my bag of tricks, rolling up my sleeves and the gloves are coming off – it’s time to fight this fight bare-knuckled.

One: King of the Nerds is a show that our society needs! There are so many more nerds and geeks out there that feel all alone, isolated, ridiculed, etc. The Nerd Army is here for them, but there is only so much we can do to promote the awesomeness that is the Nerd. We need the show to reach a larger audience – and so do you – Some nerds are turned off by the commercials and think that the show is making fun of them. Everyone who watches the show knows this isn’t true, but you’re making it very hard for casting to find the types of nerds you’re looking for by how the show has been portrayed in your commercials. I’ve heard this first hand from a member of the Nerd Army who works in a comic book store and spent a whole day talking to customers about King of the Nerds – Every single person who said they didn’t watch the show, gave that reason. He talked to over 50 people that day and none of them watched King of the Nerds. I wish I had Jack here to help me with the math and statistics, but by my estimation, your viewers would double if people weren’t so turned off by the ads for the show. I don’t know who is in charge of those commercials, but they need to be more nerd-friendly and less oriented on pulling in the viewers who want to see the typical reality TV drama. Don’t worry about pulling in those viewers: I got your back and I’ve got good connections. Why do you think I wanted to get Spencer and McCrae from Big Brother 15 involved in my interviews of the season two cast members? And why haven’t we seen Kayla on Conan O’Brien yet? SHE WAS CROWNED KING and Celeste was on the show last year…. And Jack should really be booked for Jimmy Fallon with Kelsey.

Two: You should have been looking for a season three cast immediately following the finale. I don’t have cable, because I don’t have an actual job right now, but are you even airing commercials to promote the casting call or are you that scared to spend some money? I really should have listened to my instincts the day the casting call was announced. I had such a great idea, but I was told to only do what I was asked to do and out of respect for the people involved, I didn’t implement it. It’s probably too late now, but I’m still going to try and no one knows I’m doing this and I don’t care! I’ll apologize later instead of asking for permission because desperate times call for desperate measures and I think we’re in the desperate times segment of this whole situation.

Three: Operation Desperate Times: I made a printable flyer. The quality won’t be the best because I don’t have a high resolution file of the image that casting used, but it’ll do. I want EVERYONE WHO CARES ABOUT THIS SHOW to print off the flyer, make some copies and post them wherever nerds flock, and even the places you wouldn’t expect to find nerds. Please ask for permission before you post these flyers – most shop owners and business will be more than happy, but some do have policies so it’s best to ask. Focus on comic book shops, game stores, book stores, libraries, hobby shops, etc. Any kind of business that you think nerds would patronize – flyer it up! I feel like we’re running short on time and I don’t want to mess with finding a new network to pick up the show so I really need everyone in the Nerd Army to step it up. You say you love the show? Prove it. Tweet me pictures of you posting these flyers all around your towns. Any copy place can make black and white copies of the flyer and they won’t cost a lot, barely $10 for 20 copies. My Twitter is @thedolphinpoet. If the poster below doesn't work right for some reason, email me at and I'll email you back with a PDF file.

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