Friday, December 13, 2013

Survivor Blood vs. Water: Tyson's Misted Minions Not Swayed By End Game Strategy

This Sunday’s Survivor Blood vs. Water finale is all I can think about! And before I get into talking about the latest episode and what I think is going to go down finale night, I have something important to say to the producers of Survivor: If the entire cast is not sitting on that stage this year I’m going to be so angry with you! What kind of BS was that with last season’s finale and half of the cast sitting in the audience? I was insulted as a viewer! I can’t imagine how diminished and rejected those players felt. They deserved their moment in the limelight, on the stage, all clean and pretty for the cameras and fans. Not having all of the Survivors sitting together kind of ruined the Reunion show for me, Survivor producers, so let’s not do that again, okay? I know I’m not alone on this. And while I’m at it… I get that a “Loved Ones Visit” episode would have been redundant this time around, but NO SURVIVOR FOOD AUCTION?! Come on! That’s one of my favorite episodes every season!

Anyway… It appears that Tyson has indeed Survivor-Misted Monica. Her emotional response to Tyson and Gervase voting to keep her in the game, and her jokey attempt at pulling Ciera over the line in the sand and back into their alliance proves that Monica is not playing Survivor. Sure, all the talking makes it seem like she’s doing something, but it couldn’t be further from actual strategy. If Monica’s head was in the game, she would have known she was the swing vote in the upcoming Tribal Council as soon as Katie was rocked out and she would have made some deals to secure an end-game alliance. Ciera tried to tell her the truth, but she couldn’t swat away the mist in Monica’s eyes. Monica not flipping over to Hayden and Ciera’s side of the beach is the Million Dollar Decision that will lose her the money.

So no one is shocked that Laura won another duel, right? How are we feeling about Tina giving her daughter the boot to the Jury? If you think about it, this move makes sense for Tina. If she makes it back into the game, and to the Final Tribal Council, Tina has experience in front of a Survivor Jury and with Katie hanging out with Vytas in Ponderosa, she has a much better shot at the grand babies she wants from those two crazy kids.

Can the Super Mom Squad defeat Hayden in the final duel, though? Laura is a challenge beast, but I think Hayden is going to take her down. Not that it matters who comes back into the game; they will be Tyson’s target the moment they win the duel and he has misted minions around to do his bidding.

Without her Puzzle Mom around, Ciera shined in the Immunity Challenge and won a nice meal for herself and Hayden – to enjoy at camp!? What’s up with all these food rewards taking place at camp in front of everyone? Usually the players are whisked away to enjoy their rewards at some other location, (a chance to “getaway” from the game for awhile), and this far into the game, one reward also usually involves an overnight stay with showers and clean clothes. Was there not enough money in the budget this season to buy all of the ingredients in the Survivor recipe? Do I need to remind you about the lack of a Survivor Food Auction this season?

This week, Ciera gets the “Throwin’ It Down At Tribal Council And Keepin’ It Real Badge”. It took her awhile, but Ciera is finally starting to back up all my claims that she’s a great Survivor player and I love it! If only she had realized her best game would be played with Hayden a little sooner, like when Caleb was around, she would have had a real shot at winning the game. Unfortunately, it’s probably too late for our Teen Mom because Tyson’s grip on Gervase and Monica is too tight.

So, here are my predictions for how things are going to play out for us on Sunday night. Hayden will go back into the game, but Cupcake King and his minions will make short work of both Hayden and Ciera – unless one of them happens to win Immunity. Immunity is the only thing that can save Hayden and Ciera. My guess is that Ciera will go first because Hayden wins a spot in the final four with the necklace, but one of those other three is going to win the Final Immunity – the only question that remains is: Is this a final two season or a final three? I still don’t know the answer, and I’m not looking it up because I do like to be surprised. Spoilers! I will say, though, that Tyson has an 88% shot at winning the game,(because 88mph is how fast you have to go to travel in time without a T.A.R.D.I.S), no matter if it's a final two or a final three. I guess we'll all find out on Sunday, December 15th during the three hour Survivor finale, beginning at 8pm Eastern (7pm Central - you west coasters are on your own for show time) only on CBS!

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